Craft Criticism
Crafting the Lyric Essay: Strike a Chord
I’m thrilled to announce my collection of craft and lyric craft essays, Crafting the Lyric Essay: Strike a Chord, available from Bloomsbury Press as an affordable paperback or e-book! The book contains several of the pieces below, as well as a number of new essays and a readings list. You can read an interview about the book at Brevity, another at CRAFT, and a mutual interview about all things lyric essay that I did with Erica Trabold, coeditor of The Lyric Essay as Resistance, for True.
Quote from “Using Poetic Forms in Nonfiction”
Quote from “A Jump to the Left…”
As Contributing Editor at Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies
“Ekphragrance,” on how to write about smell
“A Dash of Dash: The Lyric Art of Punctuation” at Fourth Genre
“Of Fragments and Segments” at Hippocampus
“Consider the Lobster Mushroom: being a brief theory of the craft of creative nonfiction” at Brevity
“A Jump to the Left, Then a Step to the Right: Lateral Lyric Moves” at CRAFT
“(R)Evolution Pantoum: An Unconventional Craft Chronicle, or, Playing with Your Food” at Brevity
“The Resonance of Lyric Essays, or Lyre, Not Liar” at Essay Daily
“Fragmentation Grenade: The Violence of Hybridity” at Sweet: A Literary Confection
“Zero at the Bone” at River Teeth’s “Beautiful Things”
“Permissive Sieves: Comparing the Lyric Essay and Ghazal” at Bending Genre